Monday, February 14, 2022

Information Technology for Business

 Information Technology for Business  

Unit wise Important Questions

Unit - I

  1. Define Memory and Types of Memory.
  2. Define Operating System and functions of Operating System
  3. Types of Operating System
  4. Define Software and its classification
  5. Explain about TCP/IP
  6. What is a Network and types of Networks.
  7. What is Network Topology? List the types of Network Topologies
  8. Define Memory and discuss various types of Memory

Unit - II

  1. Distinguish between Data v/s Information and IS v/s MIS
  2. Write in brief about DSS and Information System
  3. Explain Expert System and Executive Information System
  4. Explain DBMS and its functions
  5. Explain IPR in detail 

Unit - III

  1. Discuss about Multimedia and how it is useful in online business(Business Applications)
  2. Multimedia devices and Building blocks
  3. Importance of Storage devices in Multimedia

Unit - IV

  1. Write a short notes on E-Mail, WWW, Browser and Search Engine(short)
  2. Discuss various Internet Services and different types of Search Engines
  3. Write in detail about Servers and its types
  4. Explain various types of online business with suitable examples
  5. Firewall 

Unit - V

  1. Differentiate between Intranet and Extranet
  2. What is VPN and Internet Telephone
  3. Explain about various types of WLANs and their uses
  4. What is RFID? Mention some of its applications
  5. Explain the application of various functions in MS-Excel

#important questions 
#BBA Syllabus
#BBA CBCS IT for Business
#Information Technology for Business
#Osmania University important questions

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