Information Technology for Business
Unit wise Important Questions
Unit - I
- Define Memory and Types of Memory.
- Define Operating System and functions of Operating System
- Types of Operating System
- Define Software and its classification
- Explain about TCP/IP
- What is a Network and types of Networks.
- What is Network Topology? List the types of Network Topologies
- Define Memory and discuss various types of Memory
Unit - II
- Distinguish between Data v/s Information and IS v/s MIS
- Write in brief about DSS and Information System
- Explain Expert System and Executive Information System
- Explain DBMS and its functions
- Explain IPR in detail
Unit - III
- Discuss about Multimedia and how it is useful in online business(Business Applications)
- Multimedia devices and Building blocks
- Importance of Storage devices in Multimedia
Unit - IV
- Write a short notes on E-Mail, WWW, Browser and Search Engine(short)
- Discuss various Internet Services and different types of Search Engines
- Write in detail about Servers and its types
- Explain various types of online business with suitable examples
- Firewall
Unit - V
- Differentiate between Intranet and Extranet
- What is VPN and Internet Telephone
- Explain about various types of WLANs and their uses
- What is RFID? Mention some of its applications
- Explain the application of various functions in MS-Excel
#important questions
#BBA Syllabus
#BBA CBCS IT for Business
#Information Technology for Business
#Osmania University important questions
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