Monday, March 23, 2020

Osmania University - CBCS - Prgramming with C and C++ - Important Questions

Programming with C and C++

1. Define Algorithm, Assembler, Compiler, Linker and Interpreter.
2. Explain Flowchart, Pseudo code.
3. Explain various generations of Programming Language.
4. What are Escape Sequences? Explain.
5. What are Header Files?
6. Write a short notes on Type Casting, Comments, keywords, Identifier and C- Tokens..
7. Explain various data types in C-Language.
8. Draw a neat diagram and explain structure of C Program.
9. What is a Variable? How to declare and initialize them in C?
10. What is a Constant?
11. What is Operator? Explain types of Operators in C.
12. Write a short note on Break,Continue and goto statement in C.
13. Explain various iterative or looping statements in C.
14. What is a Function? Explain different types of Functions available in C.
15. What is Scope of Variable?
16. What are storage Classes?
17. What is Recursion?
18. What is  an Array? Explain different types of Arrays in C.
19. Write a C Program to Add, Multiply matrices using arrays.
20. Define Pointer, Array Pointer, Null Pointer and Generic Pointer.
21. What is a Structure? Explain nested structure.
22. Explain Union.
23. Explain about OOPs Concept.
24. Difference between C and C++ functions.
25. Explain about Class, Inheritance, Exception handling, Polymorphism and Function Overloading,.

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