Tuesday, May 2, 2017


1. What is MS Access?
a. It is a RDBMS application developed by Microsoft, runs on windows operating system.

2. What is a Database?
a. It is organisation of data related to a particular subject so that data can be retreived and processed.

3. What is the extention for ms access database file?
a. .MDB

4. What is a Relation Database?
a. A database with tables related to each other on a common field to facilitate the data retrieval from multiple tables is known as relational database.

5. What is Primary Key?
a. A Primary Key is a rule which ensures that unique data is entered for the field and the field is not left blank.

6. What the elements of database or database objects?
a. Tables, Queries, Form,Reports, Macros, Modules.

7. What is a Table?
a.  A Table is a collection of data about a specific topic or records.

8. Explain Field.
a. A field is a piece of information about a subject.

9. What is a record?
a. A record is complete information about a subject.

10. Explain What do you mean by Query?
a.   Queries  are the medium of manipulation the data to display in the form or repor. Queries can join tables,update data, delete data, sort, calculate, filter etc.

11. Explain Form.
a.   Entering and viewing data directly on the database table i not always convenient.so a form is created to facilitate easy entering data and created to facilitate easy entering data and created that retrieve records from a single table or from multiple tables.

12. What are the different ways to enter data in MS Access?
a. Data sheet view, Form, Import.

13. Explain Report.
a.   A Report is an Object that in used to view and print data.

14. Explain Macro.
a.   It is an object in Access that is used to execute one or more databasecommands automatically.

15. Explain Module?
a.    A Module in Access is a program written using VBA to automate and customize database function.

16. Write about data types  or Field types in Access.
a.    Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time, Currency, Auto Number, Yes/No, OLE Object, Hyperlink, Lookup Wizard.

17. What is datasheet view?
a.    Datasheet view is a window that displays data from a table or query in row and column format where you can edit fields add ,delete data as well as search for data.

18. What is the maximum size of database in MS Access?
a. 1 Giga byte

19. What are varoius features of MS Access?
20. Name atleast 6 extensions of MS Access.

21. What are joins?

22.  How to create simple query?

23. What do you mean by filter?

24. What is the advantage of Report Wizard over an Auto Report?
a.    It takes a little more work to create a report with the report wizard that with the Auto Report but a lot more control over what the final result looks like. This is an advantage of Report wizard over an auto report.

25. What are the different Number field types in Access?
a.    Byte, Integer, Long Integer, Single, Double

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