MS-OFFICE 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013
Features of Ms-Word:
- Creating and Editing Documents: We can create the Ms-Word document and revise corrections in the same. We can edit text by applying colours, images, numbers, bullets, spacing etc.
- Mail Merge: With this option we can write a standard letter, merge it with addresses(to be sent) and can sent to all customers/receivers of different address at a time.
- Word Wrap: It enables the computer to automatically wrap words top the next line, it eliminates pressing ENTER key each time to get a new line.
- Spell Check and Grammer Check: Spelling can be checked and modified through the spell check facility by which most of the grammer mistakes can be identified.
- Auto Correct and Auto Format: Auto correct and Auto format features catch typographical errors automatically and allow us to use predefined shortcuts and typing patterns to quickly format the document.
- Graphic and Clip Art: Word also allows the user to mix the graphical picture switch the text. Graphical pictures can either be created in word itself or can be imported from outside like from Clip Art Gallery.
- Macros: Word also has the facility of macros. A macro is ashortcut to a task you do repeatedly. Macros can be either attached to some function/special keys or to a tool bar ot to a menu.
- Bullets and Numbering: Bullets and numbering allow you to organize text in lists.
- Tables: Word allows us to insert tables in the document.
- Security: We can passwords to help prevent other people from opening or modifying word documents.
Creating Web Pages: The program offers the ability to handle HTML coding, so it can even be used to create or edit web pages.
Following are the main components of MS-Word:
- Title Bar: The title bar displays the title of the document on which we are currently working. It also contains minimize, maximize and close buttons.
- Ribbon: Ribbon is the strip of button and icons located above the work area in word. The Ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars found in earlier versions of Word. Each ribbon contains groups of command buttons with common purpose. Each ribbon contain 7 tabs.
- Window Controls: It has three window controls: Minimize, Maximize and Close.
- Text Area: It is the working area in the document window which is used for typing.
- Scroll Bar: There are two scroll bars: Horizontal and Vertical, which helps to scroll the content or the body of the document.
- Ruler Bar: The two rulers: horizontal and vertical allows formatting of horizontal and vertical alignment of text in a document, by adjusting the tabs, indents and margins.
- Status Bar: It displays the information about the currently active document which includes current page number, total number of pages and number of words etc.
A template is a pre-designed document that we can use to create new documents with a same formatting.With a template many of the big document design decisions such as margin size, font style and size and spacing are predetermined.
Templates include Placeholder text that is surrounded by brackets, this place holder text includes information regarding the content for a specific area.
A wizard is a part of a program that guides through certain steps
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