Thursday, November 19, 2015


B.Sc. III Year (NEW) Examination, March/April 2011
Subject: Computer Science
P IV - Elective -I Web Technologies

Section - A
Answer all the Questions:

a. What is MIME?
b. What is the difference between <title> and <h1> tags?
c. What are class selectors? Explain.
d. What is Java Script? What is its use?
e. What are the difficulties if we use Java Script for data validation?
f.  How to give movement to an image?
g. What is XML? Describe Nesting tags and Attributes.
h. Explain tables Vs. frames.
i. What is the use of GET and PUT methods in HTTP protocol?
j. List different facts to consider while choosing a web browser.

Section - B

Answer all the questions.

2. (a) Explain HTML, XML and HTTP.
    (b) Briefly explain the different formats used in web design.

    (c) Explain different multimedia objects used in web design.
    (d) Explain the relationship between HTML and CGI.

3. (a) Explain the formatting blocks(i) Classes (ii) Divisions (iii) Spans : with an example.
    (b) What is a function ? Explain parametric function in web design with the help of an example.
    (c) What is DHTML? Explain the incorporation of Java script with HTML code with an example.
  4.(a) What is a floating logo? Explain the usage of Java Script for this purpose.
     (b) Explain: (i) Color picker structure.
                       (ii) Exception handling in html.

5. (a) What is ASP? Explain different ASP objects used for web design with example code.
    (b) Explain XML elements and controls with the help of script.

 6. (a) Explain the methods GET and POST with examples.
     (b) Explain the structure and code for DOM.
     (c) Explain : (i) FTP   (ii) HTTP   (iii) ISP

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